Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finding Veggie food in a little country town!

Dear Sanitarium company,

I would like to ask you why its so hard to find alot of your newer products in my little town here in rural Victoria? Its very frustrating to say the least as we don't have a vehicle to travel to a bigger town even to find it there!
I want these!! Please send some to my little tiny town and tell me about it so I can go and buy a case of them.. and please let them be a bit cheaper then the sausages that I normally by as it can get pretty pricey trying to make up meals for a house full of veggie heads!

So yes thank you and maybe the internet gods will let you in on this!


Sigh - I am adding the link but apparently it is not meant to be.. so there it is.. hopefully I cannot get in trouble for that!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I really hate that I rely on money to see me through the day.. the week.. all the time.. It sucks that we had to buy everything all over again and its really a slow money melting time.
WE are trying to get our drivers licenses together but cant seem to find the money for the driving lessons.. then the tests.. then the car.. then rego.. Its endless.. I get so frustrated with it sometimes I just want to curl up and shake my fist at someone.. Hmm.. I do do that anyways.. poor hubby!
My little cousin is doing better in critical but stable condition still sounds pretty scary to me I am so impressed with her momma.. she is a very strong lady to be able to go through this. I was pretty lucky with both my kids..
Anyways .. lets stop with the shaking of fists and sadness right now!
Tonight I make mushroom pot pies and banana bread! Yay!... oh.. and my daughter suddenly decided she needs to become a vegan...:/... I think that is great really I do but we all just started eating meat again.. hahaha.. I guess hubs and I will finish what I just bought today at the butchers.. (Thats what made her change her mind.. haha) and we will go vegetarian again and she will follow the path of a vegan. I will do everything in my power to help her out.
Letting her leaf through my Vegan with a Vengeance cookbook and Veganomicon and 500 Vegan recipes so we can start making some wonderful dishes.. you know with my millions of dollars.. haha..
The worst part is.. she works at KFC.. poor kid.
Anyways I'll post pictures tomorrow of our wonderful feast and I will continue to go through organic seed catalogs!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


If I could have any dream come true it would be that cupcakes actually heal the world and I would be first inline to make them.

Today I think of one of my little cousins in Canada that is a coma at I think 9 years of age a very special girl who has a very special mum. My thoughts are with you both and your little family unit and I hope to hear more news soon and I hope its good.

It would just seem wrong to put something else in this post so I'll let it be at this.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Well this is the beginning.. I have always wanted to blog.. Not for any reason except maybe something I can look back on when I have forgotten everything and my husband tires of repeating the same old things again.. Like why did I get a tattoo.. how did I cook that, why am I using old rags to wipe my number 1's!!?? Yeah so you get it.. So I moved to a country town in rural victoria Australia from a larger much more polluted, dangerous, annoying city in Ontario Canada.. Was it much of a change.. YOU BETCHA!!!
Lets see I gave up a wonderful rented apartment which seemed to flood every other week. All my possessions that I had collected from numerous yard sales and dollar stores.. empty envelopes that you take your bills out of.. (you never know when you may need them!!) To the more serious of things like my beloved dad.. my adorable but very frustrating 12 year old (at the time) son and a job that brought me satisfaction every single day of the week.
Why did I do this? heh.. Love.. I married an Aussie almost 10 years ago, the love of my life.. yep we met online , yep it works! He wanted to come home to his mum and family and I had decided that it was time to give up a bit for him. So.. we've been here 6 months.. we are NOT living with his mum anymore we found a fantastic 3 bedroom house to rent.. Heaps of gardening space all around so we can organic garden and just a real homey feeling that we all fell in love with.
So the daughter came with us.. as you have read, loves it and is completely happy. Yay for that! She is definitely one of a kind and man I love her even if I tease her constantly and pick on her more then ever and make fun of her friends.. She sees threw that seeing the love from her mum.
Anyways now that I have lost track of this whole post.. Don't worry they will ALL be like this!
I love to bake.. to bake alot.. yep its great for the figure! I try not to worry on that.. I try to make all my bake goods vegetarian/vegan friendly as we were almost vegans for a couple of years.. don't ask why we gave it up as we hope to get back on track again really soon.
I love the idea of a simpler life, of doing things for myself to give up processed foods, plastic bags and conventional grocery stores (WE joined the co-op last week , Yay!) and yes you read it.. we use flannel sheets to wipe our pees.. its great soft and luxurious! Too much info? Ah well get used to it I mean I don't know you.. you don't know me.. good to get it all out at once!
I also work 6 to 7 days a week in a cafe that is OK.. nothing like the job I had before at a coffee shop in Canada.. (You can guess the one) But its a job and heck the rate of pay here in Australia is awesome! Even if groceries cost us a limb or two everytime we go!
Hubby works too , hangs out online.. Mudds.. (something online gaming wise).. and is adorable and walks me to work every day if he is not working.. and walks me home if he is around. He's done this since the beginning of time it seems.. Yep when it comes to him people.. I get a bit mushy.. but I'm allowed..(my blog :P )
So yeah.. now that I have rambled on for a lifetime.. and you are almost asleep! Great bedtime reading all these rambling sentences!
Come back again I'm sure I'll have something wise and fairly useless to ramble on again about.